To come : COURBEVOIE March exhibition 2024

By 24 October 2023 November 28th, 2023 The events of Silva

Invited to the commune of COURBEVOIE, SILVA USTA will present her work PIONEER WOMEN in March 2024 (dates to be specified later), as part of a traveling exhibition in various public places such as the town hall, schools, maternity wards, hospitals, and other public institutions.

Invested in the fight against violence against women, the CCAS de Courbevoie wishes to acquire a series of works created by Madame Silva USTA in order to organize an exhibition highlighting women who have marked history. The objective is to free speech and denounce all acts of violence through art. the exhibition produced by the seller, entitled “Pioneer Women”, must make it possible to change mentalities among the general public on this social issue.