Carnaval 2023 : artists have big heads !

By 1 February 2023 May 11th, 2023 The events of Silva

Déjà 150 years of Carnival in Nice and an important quarter of artists and elected officials wanted to challenge themselves to reinterpret the official Carnival poster under the nose and beard of the Mayor who could only accept it.

25 artists set about creating their own Carnival poster and exhibiting them ! They gave themselves the instruction to attack only the King, to the Queen, to the Ratapignata (the bat, independence identity) and at the King's Court. Nothing less ! In a carnival spirit – respecting the spirit of criticism – bitter and good-natured at the same time. Because after all, carnival is the opposite of war.

The Return of Nosferatus by Silva Usta

You will recognize the cartoon character. He was a great influence on certain political figures in Nice who were inspired by his program that some will consider nauseating. Unlucky candidate however in the last presidential, accused of racism, of sexism and religionism to the great regret of an animator who had not paid attention to the creature he was creating at the time. Now the bat, gloomy this one unlike ours, very Nice and from all walks of life, it looks like plumes, who will make… And dance !