exhibition from 8 to the 17 mars 2021 – World Women's Day
A new positive exhibition of Silva Usta on the occasion of World Women's Day ! The plastic artist has decided to stage emancipated women in all their freedom and all their femininity.
Optimism is inevitably de rigueur with this exhibition devoted to women who give themselves the means to live as they see fit and are the driving force for all those who want to emancipate themselves.
Many women today still have to answer to society, to men, to religions and unfortunate and false reputations that can be attributed to them.
Many are those who suffer a multitude of verbal or physical violence from strangers or relatives.
There are many who cannot leave the domestic role attributed to women since our most archaic past..
And this is all that the artist has decided to go beyond to present with this exhibition the emancipation expected by advanced societies, healthy and respectful.
Silva Usta presents : Emancipated !
Svetà Gallery
18 rue Bonaparte 06000 Nice
Of 8 to the 17 mars, 14h – 18h