Rebirth – Revest Magali and Frédéric Pasquini

By 20 June 2019 April 9th, 2021 La Concergerie Gounod
Rebirth - Magali Revest - Frédéric Pasquini - Conciergerie Gounod

“Unusual meeting between the still image and dance movement”

The meeting with the other is fortuitously, without warning, it happens to oneself, bursts, it escapes us, leaves us speechless.

While we escape our narrow worlds, our disjointed places, meet wake / reveals that moment we found where we lost.

The meeting is an awakening to the living, it is a call to something else.
Sometimes it leads to a love story, unique, mythical, other times, it is just there to challenge us, give meaning.

I meet you, I get two.

I am single and meeting invites me to turn the corner.
I want to go to the other, this is essential. Mirror Me, mirror of the other.

In a time where everything is an image, that glorification of individualism at the expense of living, Magali Revest Pasquini and Frederic propose a meeting of the impalpable, this duo exhibition, they summon your imagination, your curiosity and build stories where the moving body comes to meet the still image.

Exhibition of drawings, photos and videos hosted on Gounot Conciergerie- Silva Usta

22 rue Gounod 06300 Nice. Opening the 20 June from 18h.
Infos :

©Silva Usta